Hello Everyone,

    My name is Janice Joostema (pronounced "Yo-Stem-Ah"), I was born and raised in Vancouver B.C Canada. I am 20 years old half Fijian and half dutch decent.  I have grown up acting and modelling, just like my father did when he was younger.  After modelling for a few years and living in Asia, I really found a true love for fashion design and I decided this is something that I wanted to follow and pursue. 

The purpose of this blog is to help people understand and follow my journey in design and lifestyle blogging. I will be sharing my personal style, beauty tips, delicious cuisine and my travels.  I would love to communicate with everyone and hear your stories about fashion and traveling.

Thank you for taking your time to read this and I am looking forward to taking you on this adventure with me. 

Much love! xox

- Janice Joostema

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